Friday, March 29, 2013

Robuchon Pork Chop Discussion on Failure

I have got onto a Pork Chop tangent.  Honestly, I started to utilize the 'techniques' of the Test Kitchen, meaning test a recipe over and over again and figure it out on your own.  So I did Pork Chops the other night and they were amazing... but not quite perfect.  Jumping the gun I wrote my Robuchon Recipe last night and cooked them again... the result?  They were good, but not as good as before!  What the hell?  Well, I made some changes all of which I assumed would make them better.

1.  I cooked them in a nonstick pan.  Not sure if this made a difference.
2.  Instead of letting them sit for 10 minutes before grilling them, I slammed them straight on the grill.
3.  I grilled them for less time.
4.  I let them sit AFTER grilling.
5.  I covered them in bacon fat before putting them on the grill.
6.  I used more wine and stock in the sauce because the first one was pretty thick.
7.  I got the thickest chops I could, but they weren't as thick.
8 . I cooked them over lower heat.

All of this made everyone agree... they were good... but not as good.  How did that happen?  Well that is a LOT of changes above so somewhere in there is the answer.  So... what am I going to do? You know it. It's Friday, I'm dropping my wife off at the airport for a trip she has to take, on the way home this morning I'm buying more chops, and today, cooking them ONE AT A TIME, we'll further mess with this recipe.  I was pissed they didn't taste as good.  All that work on that nice looking recipe, first one out the door, and I misled everyone. It isn't that good yet.

Okay, look for further Pork Chop revelations as we go.

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